
We met through some mutual friends. My friend Tiffany was very excited to introduce me to Jordan. I was a little skeptical at first, but when I saw him at a group event I admitted to thinking he was pretty cute. We talked about cell phones and retainers and it was all laughter from there on. Since then it has been laughs and of course a few tears, but we always have each other’s support to help us through any trial. We truly are best friends.

Our Family

We both come from amazing families and feel very blessed to have them be a part of our lives. They also are excited that adoption is a part of our lives, and look forward to the future. Jordan has many nieces and nephews, and it makes for a fun time at holiday parties. Erin’s family loves to vacation, you probably can count on going for a hike whenever your with Erin or her dad.

What we love to do

We love to spend time together, whether we are camping, boating, walking, golfing, or just watching a movie. This has led us to become the best of friends and our love has grown more with everyday. Getting together with family and friends is a great tradition. This includes holiday parties, trips to Lake Powell, St. George, and Family Game Night. We know that finding joy in the journey will bring love into our home and into our lives.


Helen Keller said- “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

We want you to know that this is your decision, and we are already humbled by your courage and faith. We want you to know that whatever you decide you have our love and support. For those who are wondering about placing your child with us we want you to know that you have the opportunity if you wish to be a part of our lives, because truly together we can do so much.